Dealer Finance via Driva

  • Fusion Software Development Pty Ltd ("Fusion SD") has a referral relationship with Driva Pty Ltd ("Driva") which brokers loans on behalf of financial services providers to consumers for purchasing vehicles. Under this relationship, Driva might pay Fusion SD a commission for each referral which results in a settled loan.

  • Under this PSS, the Subscriber agrees to display Driva's finance advertisement alongside its eligible dealer stock Listings on


  • Each of the Subscriber's eligible Listings will include a finance advertisement panel providing the enquirer with a finance quote offered by Driva,and enabling the enquirer to submit a combined "vehicle plus finance" enquiry which is sent to both the Subscriber and Driva.


  • Fusion SD may automatically update the finance advertisement from time to time to reflect the finance quote nominated by Driva for a particular item, or broader changes to content or form that have been agreed with Driva.


  • Enquirers may submit a finance enquiry (either by ticking a checkbox when submitting a vehicle Lead which states that the enquirer is interested in being contacted about finance, or by clicking a separate button on the Driva finance advertisement panel to submit a "vehicle plus finance" enquiry).


  • When a website visitor submits a finance enquiry, Fusion SD will send that finance enquiry (including customer details) directly to Driva. The vehicle Lead will be sent to the Subscriber as normal. Driva may contact customers directly.


  • The Subscriber will be able to review limited information concerning the status of the Finance Lead through its custom Driva dashboard available at


  • Fusion SD and Driva will report to each other metrics such as participation rates, click-throughs and converted loan details for each dealer.


  • Item Listings and vehicle Leads are charged as per Subscriber's Leads or Listings PSS terms. No additional charge will be payable by the Subscriber for the finance component of an Item Lead or for a separate finance enquiry.


  • Subscriber acknowledges that this is a pilot scheme and there will be product iterations to improve the service over time, and agrees to the reporting obligations detailed in the specific terms below.


  • The Services will only be made available to the Subscriber once Driva has provided the finance advertisement content and, once provided, approximately two working days after the Subscriber has signed this PSS.


*Any Fee referred to in this PSS is an additional fee which is payable on top of any other Fees payable for the Listing or Lead service pursuant to any existing PSS i.e. normal Listings or Lead fees apply to Item Leads unless otherwise advised.